Production Department


Mar 27, 2024

Oral dosage form (tablets, capsule, liquid, dry syrup and oral rehydration salts), Externals, Dermatological are manufactured in dedicated facilities in the ground floor of the main building.

Cephalosporin products are manufactured in the ground floor with separate dedicated facilities.

Eye/ Ear drops and Low Volume Injectables manufacturing premises are located in the first floor of the same building and is in the final stage of Machine Installation.

Steroids are manufactured in second floor of the same building with separate dedicated facilities.

B-Lactam (Penicillin) products are manufactured in the separate building.

Recently online dehumidification system has been installed in Penicillin section to produce low RH product e.g. Penicillin with Clavulanic acid in tablet and dry syrup dosage form Hormones are manufactured in the separate building.

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